Natus esse voluptatem accusamus eum corporis dolorum. Debitis quod dignissimos quas optio. Hic voluptatem omnis consequatur consequatur ipsum. Fugiat quia in alias quis. Officia voluptates laudantium molestiae.
Cupiditate itaque est et aliquid suscipit. Est sed tempora quibusdam quis dolore modi. Voluptatem eos qui quia soluta.
Nulla architecto magni officia magnam rerum dolores ea. Minima numquam reiciendis sapiente. Nostrum similique consequatur corporis sunt praesentium dolorem velit. Aut et consequatur illum.
Vitae et ut dicta dicta porro quo nam. Laboriosam quas velit minus consequuntur. Reiciendis consequatur odit molestiae facere minus id. Et quas minus suscipit.
To help us in the evaluation and analysis of projects, all proposals, documents, communications, and associated materials submitted to The Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation (collectively, “Submission Materials”) will become the property of the Foundation and will be shared with other members of the Advisory Committee, Board of Directors, and other funding partners or potential funding partners. We will report publicly on the number of applications received.
The proposals, in addition to analysis by our staff and consultants, may be subject to confidential external review by independent subject-matter experts, potential co-funders, and (for educational purposes only) participants in the Hillman Scholars Program for Nursing Innovation. Please carefully consider the information included in the Submission Materials. If you have any doubts about the wisdom of disclosure of confidential or proprietary information, we recommend you consult with legal counsel and take any steps you deem necessary to protect your intellectual property. You may wish to consider whether such information is critical for evaluating the submission, and whether more general, non-confidential information may be adequate as an alternative for these purposes.
We respect confidential information we receive. Nonetheless, notwithstanding your characterization of any information as being confidential, we may publicly disclose all information contained in Submission Materials to the extent as may be required by law and as is necessary for potential co-funders and external reviewers to evaluate them and the manner and scope of potential funding, consistent with appropriate regulations and their internal guidelines and policies.
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